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the Gallery

Started working on Gallery to improve it's usability. Any feedback is welcome.

BioLogIn, biologin at guiltygear dot ru
06 August 2007, 00:25 (GMT +3).


Added: custom GGI and GGJ backgrounds by Aegis High, Sol GGP sprite set by Hiyami, and updated Blade's awesome GG Quotes database (now with Voice actors and Move names).

BioLogIn, biologin at guiltygear dot ru
02 July 2007, 23:55 (GMT +3).

Little things

Fixed a few bugs in a Gallery.

BioLogIn, biologin at guiltygear dot ru
22 April 2007, 1422 (GMT +3).

Allusions and updates

Unbelievable but true - people still find more and more allusions in GG series. Thanks to some attentive players we have an update of Allusions section. And there is more official art in Gallery, this time some GGX+ endings caped by Blade. And even more, there is some fine fanart drawn by Satyr in fanart section! And we re-upped Aegis High's translation of Ishiwatari-san's interview as well...

See you soon!

BioLogIn, biologin at guiltygear dot ru
21 April 2007, 1446 (GMT +3).

Ishiwatari DA interview is up

Finally I got my hands on Ishiwatari interview and translated it to English. Welcome to Download/Faqs section!
And stay tuned for more updates.

BioLogIn, biologin at guiltygear dot ru
08 April 2007, 1735 (GMT +3).

Designed by SpaceMan